What is the EPB certificate?
EPB = energy performance of buildings
The EPB certificate has an informative purpose. It determines the energy performance of a building on a scale from A (very energy efficient) to G (very energy intensive). It enables the prospective buyer or tenant to compare the different properties he or she visits in terms of their energy consumption.
When is it mandatory?
The EPB certificate is mandatory for any sale or rental of a residential property, even before the advertisement is published. It is compulsory to mention the result of the EPB test in the advertisement, on penalty of a possible fine.
Since 14 October 2022, the indexation of rents is also conditional on the good energy performance of the buildings: in Brussels, only the rents of properties with an EPB of classes A, B, C or D can be fully indexed (the rents of properties with an EPB-class of E can only be indexed by maximum 50%). Note that the lease must also be registered in order to index the rents.
What is the validity of an EPB certificate?
The EPB certificate is valid for a duration of 10 years as long as no energy-related changes have been made (e.g. new boiler, solar panels, etc.). Any energy modification requires a new certificate before sale or rental.
How does an EPB inspection work?
1. Making an appointment: by email (info@certipeb.brussels) or by phone (+32 483 07 08 89).
2. Preparing for the visit: reading the Info-sheet "The certifier's visit" and preparing all the documents that will help to optimise the result of the certificate (see next question).
3. Visit: lasts between 1 and 4 hours depending on the size and complexity of the property. The entire property to be certified must be accessible. If the property is located in an apartment building where the heating or hot water production is collective, access to the common parts of the building where this equipment is located must be provided.
4. Receiving the EPB certificate: within 2 working days after the visit (provided that all the required documents have been supplied).
How to optimise the result of your EPB certificate?
Every certifier must comply with the following requirement: without proof or visual control, it is considered non-existent. This is why it is key to prepare as many documents and photos of the property as possible ((list of documents : Info-sheet "The visit of the certifier"). In the absence of these documents and photos, a default value is given based on the year of construction of the building as determined by the software, which is generally not favourable.
Useful links
The documents below have been translated through an automatic translation tool, including all potential errors that these tools can cause. The content is provided for information only without any guarantee. CertiPEB, SynergOil and Bruxelles Environnement cannot be hold responsible for any error in these documents, nor are liable for any consequence arising from their usage.
Info-sheet : "The scope of the EPB certificate for individual housing"
Info-sheet : "The visit of the certifier: the documents to be prepared and the modalities of the visit"
Info-sheet : "The result of the EPB certificate"
Info-sheet : "Advertising obligations"
(max 40 m2)
(40 m2 ➔ 75 m2)
(75 m2 ➔ 150 m2)
(> 150 m2)
(< 150 m2)
(150 m2 ➔ 250 m2)
(250 m2 ➔ 400 m2)
(< 150 m2)
(150 m2 ➔ 250 m2)
(250 m2 ➔ 400 m2)
(< 150 m2)
(150 m2 ➔ 250 m2)
(250 m2 ➔ 400 m2)
(> 400 m2)
Hélène Walthéry
SynergOil SRL
Accreditation number : 1800864
+32 483 07 08 89
Avenue Orban, 136
1150 Brussels
VAT : BE 0891 135 238